Monday, March 9, 2015

Chemical Change

Chemical Change

| Gimme that Chemical Change |

Chemical change is something that we have studied in Chemistry throughout Semester 1. This picture relates to the area, as Chemical Change is seen through color or through the light that it changes to. For example, wood on fire is a chemical change is its odor, heat, light and color change occurs. Essentially,

It practically states that there is a substance that is added to the prior one. Changes in a Chemical way can be seen in change of light, heat, color change, gas production, odor, or sound. Although physical change can return to its original state, you cannot return to the original state in chemical change.

Fun Fact: Most physical changes can be reversed, chemical changes cannot.
Fun Fact: Flame is affiliated with most chemical changes.
Fun Fact: You can have both a physical and chemical change at the same time.

Fun Fact: Chemical changes produce something new.

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