Monday, March 9, 2015

Sn - Tin

Sn – Tin

| The Tintanic |

Tin, also commonly known as it’s symbol, Sn, is located in Group 14. Tin has very similar characteristics to fellow Group 14 members, Germanium (Ge) and Lead (Pb). Tin is also a malleable and ductile metal that can become a superconductor, depending at the force it is pushed at (3.7K to be precise). Tin has the 10 isotopes, more than any other element found in the periodic table.

Tin is an element that we all constantly use throughout our life, whether we acknowledge it or not. Tin has been an element that we have constantly used in Chemistry last year, especially with the noble gas notations.

Fun Fact: Tin is found in the Earth's crust primarily in the ore cassiterite. 
Fun Fact: Tin gets its name from the Anglo-Saxon language. 
Fun Fact: The most abundant isotope is tin-120.
Fun Fact: White tin will transform into gray tin when the temperature falls below 13.2 degrees C.

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