Chemical element, symbol Hg atomic number 80, and atomic weight 200.59. It is awhite liquid silver at room temperature (- 38.4 ºc or ºf - 37.46 melting point); boils at357 ° C (675.05 ° F) at atmospheric pressure. It is a noble metal, soluble only inoxidizing solutions. Solid mercury is as smooth as the lead. The metal and itscompounds are highly toxic. Mercury forms solutions called amalgams with somemetals (e.g. gold, silver, Platinum, uranium, copper, lead, sodium and potassium).
Still the concentrations of mercury in the environment are growing; This is due tohuman activity. Most of the mercury released by human activities is released into theair, through the burning of fossil products, mining, smelting and combustion of solidwaste.
Some forms of human activities release mercury directly to soil or water, for examplethe application of fertilizers in agriculture and industrial wastewater discharges. All themercury that is released into the environment eventually will end in soils or surfacewaters. Soil mercury can accumulate in the mushrooms.
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