Chemical bonding
Im going to talk about how does chemical bonding works with each element. The chemical bonding works with an attraction of two different atoms that forms a chemical substance.This is caused by electrostatic force which is the attraction of different charges, their are two types of bonds, ionic bond which is the tranfer of a metal to a non metal because they can gain or lose electrons.Also we a have the covalent bonds that is a chemical bond a its fuction is to share electron pairs between some atoms.This two are the strong bonds because their function is to makemthe two atoms attract themselves
Make sure to remember this or write it down. In this project I did about making chemical bonding I was very stressed at the beginning, but then it become easier to accomplish it.First I had only two materials I could use: sticks and balls made of plastofor to attach each ball to the stick. Each atom would always like to be happy or having a full shell. This is why sometimes they have to share their electrons. each shell has it appropiate number of atoms, for example in the first one only two are permited. try to do this experiment, and have in mind that the more you practice the better you would become.
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